A partially complete list of the news media coverage of our team’s current and past research:
Gavin’s manuscript on Antarctic ice responding to millennial scale temperature changes in the Southern Ocean was featured at the UCSC news center and the Geochemical news.
In a collaboration with MBARI and other UCSC groups, the Blackburn lab is currently working to place time constraints on the 3foot long mammoth tusk found at ~3000m depths offshore Santa Cruz.
This effort has been featured at NYTimes and a number of additional news outlets.
This manuscript has been reported on by a number of news outlets. See Altmetric tracking, as well as the below:
photo credit: Michael Scudder
This manuscript was featured on the cover of “GEOLOGY” .
Our research has inspired some poetry. Check out this Geosonnet on glacial polish from the geoblogger “lab lemming”.
This manuscript was featured on the cover of “Science” and has been reported on by 58 news stories from 38 outlets. Below is a selection:
“Triassic Extinction Tied to Massive Lava Spills” Scientific American also at Nature
“Mega-eruptions Caused Mass Extinction, Study Finds” National Geographic
“Another link between CO2 and mass extinctions of species”, The Conversation
“New research suggests North American continent is a slow eroder”, at PHYSORG.com (2012)
“Why North America Won’t Erode Away” Live Science (2012)